Language Literacy Link


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Approximately ten years ago, being inspired by the research of Dr. Paula Tallal at Rutgers University Neuroscience division in New Jersey and that of other researchers around the world, Stoney and Gloria DeMent began a San Diego branch, later called the Language Literacy Link and were joined by professionals, non-professionals, parents, preschool teachers and others who recognized the importance of early oral language skills necessary for future reading and academic success.  Since that date, a second branch was formed in the Coachella Valley with a similar group of people who wanted to make a difference in their desert communities.

Both groups made significant advances in developing workshops, materials and conferences, networking with schools and other agencies.  The LLL grant money spent and goals achieved, both branches are now dormant.  The new North County San Diego branch will carry on the LLL work in their communities.  Our workers are volunteers.